No signs of improvement: Rajib’s family waits for ‘miracle’

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Rajib Hossain, a college student who lost his arm to an accident caused by two reckless buses in Dhaka, showed no improvement in vital physical signs even after 48 hours under life support.
Professor Md Shamsuzzaman leading the medical board formed for Rajib’s treatment told on Friday he was unable to comment at the moment. Rajib has been lying senseless in his bed at the ICU of Dhaka Medical College Hospital. His youngest brother Mohammed Abdullah stood beside him with his eyes exuding helplessness. “He has high fever since last night; the doctor said that not all patients return from this stage,” Abdullah told Rajib’s condition deteriorated on Friday.
A student of Government Titumir College, Rajib lost his right arm as a BRTC double-decker came in contact with the Swajan Paribahan bus when the two drivers were trying to make way through other vehicles on Apr 3.
The accident also fractured his skull along with a blow to the frontal lobe of his brain. He was taken to Samorita Hospital initially and  
then transferred to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. A medical board has been formed for his care. “There is no improvement in Rajib’s health. His other organs are fine but brain is not responding. We cannot make any comment now. He will recover only when his brain starts responding,” said Prof Shamsuzzaman, chief of the medical board. Rajib who hailed from Bauphal Upazila of Patuakhali lost both of his parents at childhood. He got admitted to college for a graduate degree after completing his HSC while staying with his maternal aunt at Mohakhali in Dhaka. Rajib used to work as a part-time employee in a computer shop to bear his own and two brothers’ expenses. “He always dreamt of getting a government job in future so he doesn’t have to depend on others,” said Rajib’s aunt Khadiza Begum Lipi.
That young man with a dream is now breathing under artificial life-support system, she added.
“He used to dream big but now his life is hanging in the balance; the doctor said he will survive only if there is a miracle,” she said.
Khadiza Begum said they are providing medicine costs, when asked who bears the treatment cost.
“We want stringent punishment for the bus drivers as our nephew is not recovering; we want no other family to suffer like us,” said Rajib’s aunt, commenting on a hearing on bail appeals for both drivers of BRTC and Swajan Paribahan scheduled on Monday.