Rainbow Aid distributes Eid cloths

KM Masud, Executive Director of Rainbow Aid handed cloths to 100 under privileged and street children in Agargaon Taltola area in Dhaka.
KM Masud, Executive Director of Rainbow Aid handed cloths to 100 under privileged and street children in Agargaon Taltola area in Dhaka.

Business Desk :
Rainbow Aid Bangladesh, a non-government organization, distributed Eid cloths among the poor and underprivileged children in the capital on Thursday. KM Masud, Executive Director of Rainbow Aid handed cloths to 100 under privileged and street children in Agargaon Taltola area in Dhaka. The organization has taken the programme upholding the humanity.
KM Masud said if everyone from the wealthy and rich people comes forward for extending hands to help the street children and underprivileged ones, the society would be more sound and livable shortly.
The ED of the Rainbow Aid said his organisation recently distributed Eid clothing to the poor women in different areas in the capital.
He said different organisations and individuals should come forward in the era of the pandemic to help the helpless people.
The Executive Director urged the solvent men and women to raise their hands to the poor members of the society so that everyone can grow together making the country literally happy, peaceful and prosperous.
Meanwhile, the street children also expressed their happiness getting the Eid dresses saying such helps are surely curb their agony and extend their happiness in these days of hardships.
