Quota system is unjust: Children of 30 lakhs who gave their lives get no consideration

THE countrywide angry explosion regarding the quota system is an organised student movement against the unjust and harmful process. It is neither the demand of a few individuals nor it is the demand of a few handful groups; it is just demand of the whole nation because quota system has been harming the advancement of meritorious young men in competent position.

Not only that there has been a lot of abuse in distribution of the benefits of quota system. Most abused area is the quota for freedom fighters. The grievance in many circles is that number of freedom fighter goes on increasing politically every time a new government comes to power. Those who are too keen to use the freedom fighters by increasing their number but no sympathy is shown by them for the children of 30 lakhs who gave their lives in the liberation war.

As per prevailing quota system, 30% is reserved for the freedom fighter category. Besides, the quota system reserves 10% vacancies for women, 10% for district category, 5% for tribal people and 1% for physically and mentally challenged people. Thus quota system makes up a mammoth 56% of the total government appointments. Only the remaining 44% government job vacancies are filled up from the talent pool on the basis of competitive exams.

There is one important thing which must be cleared for all. Only India-trained freedom fighters have not liberated the country. Millions inside also sacrificed their lives and lost their properties– so why should their children and family members to be deprived of the quota system? There are many fake freedom fighters’ children who are exploiting the quota system.

We disapprove that on the ground of liberation war only the India returnees are freedom fighters and sufferers. But those who gave up their lives in the liberation war and who justified international support including India joining the liberation war directly got no consideration. This is terribly wrong. The liberation war was people’s war and not that of the few who went to India. It is for those who became subject of genocide that made the liberation war successful.


Let us be honest about the liberation war. Politics with freedom fighters is extremely wrong. The history is being distorted for political gains. India helped us for those who remained in Bangladesh and gave their lives. But our successive governments forgot them. It is deeply painful and historically wrong. In the reformed quota system the freedom fighters who gave their lives but did not flee the country should also be included.

Even those who are now in the street in protest against quota system they are not for dispensing with the quota system. They want reform and rightful readjustment. It should be recognised that the country is not for any particular group. Besides, we cannot ignore the need of merit in building the country. The extreme sacrifices made by people who did not go to India must not be underestimated.

About 30% quota benefit for freedom fighter category is abrasively wrong and purpose is to create a privileged class hoping to have them used as active political supporters. This obvious unjust benefit is not only for children of the listed freedom fighters but also for children’s children is too unjust.

We also observed that teachers of the DU in a chorus did not protest the police barbarity on general students. Our question is why the students had to show their rage? Why the political parties did not take up this national issue which is affecting building of merit-based country?

There is another reality that is the weakness of the political leadership in the liberation war. So, there is an anxiousness to hide that.
