Quota issue and probable solution

Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :

Recently quota has become a sensitive issue. Many a people call it a movement for quota cancellation and there are a group who terms it quota reformation movement. There are categories of quota : Student admission quota, Budget quota, Patient’s admission seat quota, Resident hall/hostel quota, Different disadvantaged facility quota, MP’s resident & transport quota, Stipend/ Scholarship quota, Foreign training quota, Trade quota, Industry quota & above all government service quota etc. Every where there is a system or policy by which quota is maintained. When quota is maintained by its established rules and regulation. There we do not find any pilferage or corruption but when it is made flexible and manipulated justice is being denied.

In our country we see many scenario of quota manipulation by the pressure from elites or influential groups. Again it is make flexible by dishonest policy makers in power. Unfair means are adopted to satisfy a bested group and for violation for quota system deserving people become handicapped and deprived of getting rights and privileges. The existing government service quota is now our concern.
 The way it is functioning, the meritorious are hanged and the less qualified are coming where she/he is not found fit to serve. Eventually, there we find drastic affect which is concluded to damage and disaster. At one time nations suffers for want of competent and specialized experts. So for better performance in technical line we will have to hire foreign experts. In our country there we fine as many as to lacs of foreign experts.
Who are employed in different project’s implementing and monitoring cells and they are highly paid. A good deal of budget money is spent for them. How ever, my topic is quota issue and how the problems may be addressed.
Many say that it will take time. Many men have there many minds. But why we will delay.
Where there is a will, there is a way. If it is delayed, it may defame the image of government. Immediately information committee or a commission may be formed by the superior person from the arena of politics bureaucrats and member from Judicial services. Only the honest and uncontroversial person may be selected to work as member of commission.
Again one Journalist may also be included to serve the purpose of the commission. So that a very logical and rational quota system can be introduced.
Finally this will be discuss in parliament and after a good appreciation in parliament a revise quota will come to a light by which people irrespective of all classes will be satisfied. Before it was turning to a burning issue, our hon’ble P.M. announced for its cancellation and the movement came to a halt by her decision. Despite the decision, there is a delay to execute P.M.’s declaration.
There is no ambiguity in it. How it will be executive, its terms and references and its time to time progress report must be made open and public. A date-line should be refixed from policy holders. With this, the policy holders should not sit idle, they must be serious. Where there were chaos, conflict, confrontation, attack, counter attack with this issue. Our prime minister intervened it not to making it grave.
By her intervention, it is realized that nation was saved from critical situation. At least we save from players who don’t play fair. They are may be ill motives behind the issue. If there is bad intension or if some one tries to aggravate situation must be brought to book. So this must be faced with patience and dealt meticulously from government’s side. No chance to be given to those who want to avail penalty kick, free kick or create unrest or anarchy in political arena.
Government must be very careful to handle it. Rather it concern starts the course of its implementing action process without delay or in the name of bureaucratic complicacy. Our social elites are passing valuable comments to dissolve the crisis.
To address the problem, the top most priority is required by government. The authority concern can no way pass time. There are remarks and views that the issue must come to open field for open discussion with people from all walks of life.
In no way, there should be torture against those who raise their voice. They must not be ill treated or mishandled by which humanity is lost. The attack by the pro-student wing of government party must be stopped. Other wise it will hide the multiple good works of government and even govt’s. image may be punctured and demolished.
This must not come to the filed of politics. As it is an issue of general students so this needs to be taken into consideration rationally and prudently and look for solution By the government policy holders. The issue is yet to be dissolved despite P.M’s decision before two months. Now the quota wishing movement people are getting frustrated. Some people are same that this issue may be killed political. So by intervention of politicians this must be addressed. That is the parliamentarians may play a significant role for the solution of this crisis.
The sooner it will be dissolved, the sooner it will be better. Some are saying that immediately after P.M’s decisions it was necessary to formed committee, discuss, negotiate on seminar and symposium. Attack and assault on general students of the quota issue is mostly objectionable and unethical.
That is not accepted by state. The unemployment situation is getting worse day by day, where there are thousands and thousands of unemployed youths anything like revised quota can not give any solution. It is now time to execute the P.M’s decision that cancellation of quota is essential. Revised quota system may be introduced after certain period having the realistic picture of unemployed people and employed people in different quotas. Besides, the number of degree holders the higher graduation holders, under graduation, highly literate, moderately literate, less literate, illiterate, must come in picture.
Again how many are from urban and how may are from rural, all come under survey. Again we must think that it is an issue of our youths. So many thinks must be taken into consideration to address the issue. If by introducing quota our youths will be employed by a large numbers. The unemployment condition is getting worse day by day. If all youths are entangled with this issue, revised or reformed quota will not solve crisis. So quota cancellation is the demand of present situation. There may not be any alternative of it.
