Quota cancellation is a powerful decision


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
Recently, the subject quota became an issue. And already this issue turned to movement. This movement spreads to all districts of our country. The aim of the movement was to reform quota. Now-a-days the candidates for govt. job are becoming harassed due to quota. They started a peaceful movement and went to streets for the very rights of quota. But with the changes of time many evils penetrated to it. As a bad incidence the attack on Vice Chancellor’s house has been cancelled which is very humiliating and uncivilized. In this context, Tarek Zia’s phone chatting added fuel to the agitation. This is indeed instigating.
For any purposeful movement there is a right to go for protest. It must be rational and peaceful. In no way, it can be fierceful and antagonistic. The way the movement started it earned the support of mass people. At one time it gets more agitated and furious. Students lost the ethics and VC’s house was razed to fire. Even we have seen the attack and counter-attack among the agitators. The agitators came to a divide. It turned to a tense situation. Any movement becomes alarming if there is any back-biting, ill motives, conspiracies or interest of vested corners. Here in this case, there lies the bad intention of some ill designers. So that it gets polluted and unethical.
In the past, we have the experiences of movement. In this context, we may mention the movement of Hafazat Islam. There were a blue-print and conspiracies, to topple down an elected government. They had a stand to abolish secularism and wanted to empower a fundamentalist govt. In that movement the holy-Qurans were burnt to ashes and some lives were also lost. It is true that quota is a right of constitution,. But by the existing quota the standard is not maintained, quality can not be ensured. So the demand raised from anti-quota movement is very legal & justified. As a matter of fact they started for change of quota system. They did not want its cancellation. By gradual changes quota will be reformed. But Hon’ble Prime Minister with her generosity and realization, she declared the cancellation of quota which is actually the demand of the time. This is the historical declaration, made by our Hon’ble PM. It is beyond the imagination and more than ones expectation. This is a miracle declaration. Only a mother of humanity can do such a magnificent and wise decision. Rather it was courageous, which we may term more than courage. This decision reflects our PM’s farsightedness towards a country and politics.
Actually by the decision and its implementation, country will reach its desired goal. People’s desire has been fulfilled by the decision. This proves the love & patriotic feeling, her bloodstream. She is not only a good statesman, a famous leader but also the mother of humanity.
Now I switch over to quota. Other than service quota, there are many other quota system in our country where we are very much indifferent and casual. That things to be addressed by her strong leadership and intervention. We believe our Prime Minister is very firm. She will tackle all these irregularities and discrimination and will play a bold role. In our country four duty free transports, free furnished residence, bank quota and other privileges are enjoyed by one MP. I am not jealous of it. He/she may deserve. Does one MP in India enjoy such privileges? If one is elected four times, he will get four transports. Many a times, he sells it to others on high rate. As a result the country is deprived of getting the revenue. Some persons of a same family get the privileges to launch bank and starts completion for money laundering. We must get rid of such bad practice. People representatives like our country should not be over privileged. Not only the peoples representatives, but also our govt. officers and employee enjoy quota privileges written and unwritten.
All people irrespective of farmers, workers belong to the country. Nobody should think that he/she belongs to the aristocrat society. Our mindset must be changed. We must be ego free and there must not be any superiority complex in the name of Army, RAP, Police, Ansar etc. All govt. employees must be treated as govt. servant.
Where there is no quota of farmers and workers, why there is a discrimination. With this so called quota concept we can not proceed forward. This must be removed and as state of balance should prevail. High and low class difference should be very marginal.
Code of conduct, rule of law need to be established and make it functional. Rules and regulation can save a nation from corruption, terrorism and other anti social activities. The so-called aristocracy must be eliminated. The money hoarders black marketers and exploiters, must be taken to the hands of law, they should not be spared, the ill got money earned by the interested groups must be deposited to govt. treasury. Bangabandhu formed BAKSAL and had a dream to build Sonar Bangla to see smiling faces of all the distressed and havenots. Graduation of Bangladesh from LDC to developing country is not so easy. It has its challenges. Bangladesh is no more a poor country. Our GDP is high. Per capita income is also good. We must be capable. We can not beg to other any more. So cancellation of quota is a milestone and historical decision by Hon’ble Prime Minister.
