Quick, safe Rohingya repatriation stressed

UNB, Dhaka :
Speakers at a meeting here on Thursday acknowledged the plight of the Rohingya people and highlighted the importance of ensuring their return to Myanmar in dignity and safety.
They also urged the national and international organisations to help host communities in Bangladesh to overcome the challenges caused by the influx of such a high number of people in the region and to contribute to the peaceful coexistence in Chattogram of all religious groups.
The meeting titled, “Fostering Peaceful and Inclusive Society and the Role of Religious Leaders and Actors” was jointly organised by the United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect and the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP), in partnership with the Save and Serve Foundation in a hotel in Chattogram.
“We don’t want any uncongenial atmosphere; we want people’s well being, not destruction of our environment and humanity in Chattogram. If we want to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, we want peaceful and inclusive societies in Bangladesh, so let that be our collective goal,” religious leaders and actors said during this meeting.
Adama Dieng, Under Secretary-General and United Nations Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, addressing the meeting said “The Bangladeshi government and people demonstrated kind generosity towards the Rohingya people by providing support since they arrived.”
Adama Dieng added that religious actors can play a very important role to foster peace and inclusivity by sharing messages of peace and tolerance and by promoting dialogue between the Rohingya and host communities.
He urged religious actors to work together with the government of Bangladesh to implement the “Plan of Action for Religious Leaders and Actors to Prevent Incitement to Violence that Could Lead to Atrocity Crimes” developed by the United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect in collaboration with faith actors worldwide.
Stressing the importance of taking immediate steps for safe and voluntary return of Rohingyas to Myanmar, Dieng added, “It’s also important that Rohingyas can access livelihoods and formal education so that they can be more productive while in Bangladesh but particularly, when they return to Myanmar.”
“I hope the religious leaders and actors, as well as policy makers and civil society representatives present here today will continue to extend their support to the Rohingya community until their return, so that no one is left behind in Bangladesh”, Dieng said.
Addressing as the chief guest, State Minister for Religious Affairs, Alhaj Advocate Sheikh Md Abdullah reaffirmed Bangladesh’s commitment to promote secularism and inclusive development by ensuring rights and equal opportunities for all religions.
He said, “The government of Bangladesh always promotes a culture which respects freedom of religion and belief.”
The State Minister also highlighted the continuous effort of the government to keep peace, security and stability in Cox’s Bazar after the Rohingya influx and urged the international community to take immediate steps towards the repatriation of the Rohingya refugees.
Earlier, Papa Kysma Sylla, UNHCR Deputy Representative, made a presentation on the Impact of the Rohingya Influx in Bangladesh.