Question paper leakage threat to nation`s future


THE Serious Crime Unit of Detective Branch (DB) under Dhaka Metropolitan Police yesterday arrested seven persons from different city areas for their alleged involvement in leaking question papers through electronic devices in the recruitment test for Department of Narcotics Control (DNC). Some highly sophisticated devices, including USB drives, Bluetooths, SIM cards and mobile phones, were also recovered from their possession.
DMP DC Masudur Rahman told the reporters that, among the detainees, one Shohel was caught before for the same offense but he had secured bail later. In the preliminary interrogation, the detainees confessed that this time they had leaked the question papers of DNC recruitment test. Detectives also unveiled that among the detainees, three sat for the exam with electronic devices and they sent the question papers to the other four, who solved the problem and re-sent the solutions to the examinees. They charged Tk 5 to 10 lakh for the work. However, the payments were made after the clients passed their exams, according to the Detectives.
Question paper leakage in our Education Board Examinations from PEC to University level or recruitment tests of different organizations, including Public Service Commission, is nothing new. Recently, it has spread like an epidemic. Despite several steps taken by Education Ministry and law enforcement agencies, it appears almost impossible to stop the illegal practice in the exams. Usually, the rate of leaked question paper depends on the gravity of the exams. This time, the cheats demanded Tk 5-10 lakh from each, which is a very high rate, no doubt.
In our country, structural examination is the only way to assess students’ capability to move into the next stage of the education system. But question paper leakage in public examinations hampers proper evaluation. Not only that, it also lowers the quality of education and promotes an uneven competition. It is more dangerous, if the question paper is leaked in any recruitment test. In that case, the low-caliber and less educated candidates would get chance depriving the talented ones. Ultimately, it’s a national loss.
We do urge the authorities concern to address the issue with earnest sincerity. Otherwise, we will have to face a dark future for this bad trend.
