‘Quality edn vital to make students worthy citizens’


Terming education as service not business, academics and experts urged the authorities of higher seats of learning including university to provide quality education to make the students competent for global employment market.
They also highlighted the need for conducting inclusive researches on various fields of knowledge to ensure quality of the higher educational institutions in the country.
They came up with the observation while addressing a daylong workshop styled “National Qualification Framework of Bangladesh” at Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET) in Rajshahi on Saturday. Quality Assurance Unit (QAC) of Bangladesh University Grants Commission (UGC) organized the workshop in association with RUET.
Stakeholders from different organizations attended the workshop, which created awareness amongst them to gain their support to develop a unified Bangladesh Qualification Framework.
Vice-chancellor of Rajshahi University Prof Abdus Sobhan and Vice-chancellor of Pabna Science and Technology University Prof Rawshan Ali addressed the workshop as chief and special guests respectively with RUET Vice-chancellor Prof Rafiqul Islam Sheikh in the chair.
Vice-chancellor of Barendra University Prof Osman Gani Talukder, Vice-chancellor of Rajshahi Medical University Prof Masum Habib, QAC Head Prof Sonjoy Kumar Adhikary and RUET Prof Mosharraf Hossain also spoke.
During his keynote presentation, Dr Tanzim Ahmed, Quality Specialist of UGC, highlighted the importance of quality education saying Bangladesh is in need of a unified qualification framework to facilitate lifelong learning by opening up access, attracting investment and recognizing non-formal and informal learning.
He mentioned that the development of the framework would strengthen national qualification systems by harmonizing the sub-systems of qualifications. In his remarks, Prof Abdus Sobhan said that national qualification framework is highly needed for ensuring quality education at tertiary level to compete with others in national and international arena in today’s competitive world.
“This is the right time to develop a harmonized qualification system that will benefit both employers and job seekers,” he said adding that uniform and harmonised framework can ensure the standard and quality in the country’ existing multi-pronged education system, he added.
