Quader receives 111 recommendations to curb road crashes

UNB, Dhaka :
Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader on Thursday received 111 recommendations from the committee formed to restore discipline on roads and highways, and thus reduce accidents.
The 15-member committee, headed by former minister Shahjahan Khan, handed a report containing the recommendations to Quader at the Secretariat after a views-exchange meeting with the committee.
Receiving the recommendations, Quader said a meeting of the Road Safety Council will be held on
 September 5 at the Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) office and those will get approval after necessary addition, changes and modifications.
Quader, also the Awami League general secretary, said the committee in Thursday’s meeting also proposed formation of a strong taskforce, and the decision in this regard will be taken on September 5.
Among the 111 recommendations, 50 need to be implemented urgently, while 32 are short-term and 29 long-term ones. Unskilled drivers, faulty vehicles, drivers’ carelessness, faulty road constructions and commuters’ unconsciousness were mentioned as the main causes of road accidents in the recommendations, Quader added.
A 15-member committee, headed by former minister Shahjahan Khan, was formed on February 19 to restore discipline in transport sector and curb road accidents across the country.
The decision was taken at the 26th meeting of National Road Safety Council held at the office of Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA).