Qazi Kholiquzzaman awarded ‘Somriddhi Bondhu’ title

Economic Reporter :
Development Organization of Rural Poor (DORP) has conferred “Somriddhi Bondhu” title on PKSF Chairman Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad for his contributions to the rural development in Bangladesh, says a press release.
DORP founder and Gusi Peace Prize International Award Laureate AHM Nouman handed over a crest along with the title to Kholiquzzaman at a Validation Workshop on Strategic Planning 2016-20 held at its office on Friday.
Quazi Rosy, MP, and Planning Commission Member Dr Shamsul Alam, among others, were present on the occasion.
Speaking on the occasion Dr Qazi Kholiquzzaman said microfinance of Bangladesh during 1990-2008 reached to only 9 per cent people. Microcredit alone can’t eradicate poverty and it is impossible to send the poverty to museum by only uttering the word, he added.