
[Qaseeda of Khwaja Mu’inuddin Chishti (R)]
Dedicated to Abdul Qadir Zilani (R)

1. O Gaus, the great, a light of guidance you are,
Dear to the Prophet and dear to Allah you are;
The King of Qutubs, a Sultan here and hereafter;
All the creations of Allah are amazed at your power.
2. You are an immortal Siddiq in honesty
And an Omar in justice and purity;
You are an Usman in shamefulness and shyness
And an Ali Haider in charity and greatness.
3. You have a high position in the court of the Prophet,
You conceal all the faults of your disciples, 0 the great!
In the world of walis, the king you are,
And also a great source of mercy you are.
4. You have taken the Prophet’s holy feet on the head,
And the walis at your feet their heads they yield.
All the Qutubs appeared before you
As if they were servants to you.
5. Mosih could restore to the dead people their life,
And in your hand dead religion has got back life.
You are the light of the world and the life of divinity,
All have surrendered their life to your virtue and beauty.
6. In Shariah, you are an ocean of knowledge,
I see you are a Taiyari Jaafor in pure sense;
To the Arsh-e-Mualla you paid a spiritual joumey,
O ‘Au ‘A-dna,’ could-you realize the profound mystery!
7. My ‘nafs’ itself has become my killer,
I feel ashamed as I am a crime-doer;
I’m the worst one with the taints of sins,
If blessed with mercy, I’ll be relieved of all sins.
8. ‘Muin’ is a poor orderly in your name,
I seek my honour in uttering your holy name;
Slavery under you has gifted me kingship and all,
Excepting your pleasure, I have no other goal.
1. Gaus-It is a title given to Hazrat Abdul Qadir Zilani (R). Often he is called Gaus or Gausul Azam. It is to note that this poem is composed addressing Hazrat Abdul Kadir Zilani (Rah.), and so the word ‘Gaus’ indicates Hazrat Abdul Qadir Zilani (R).
2. Qutubs -some dearest and particular human servants of Allah; they are believed to have been assigned to perform some particular duties on earth.
3. Walis- the dear human servants of Allah.
4. Mosih-Mosih is the title of Isa (Asm.) who is called Jesus Christ by the Christians.
5. Taiyari Jafor-name of a great person-Jafor Taiyar rich in Islamic knowledge.
6. AuAdna -4 the poem is written addressing Hazrat Abdul Qadir Zilani (R) who is called here AuAdna by the poet.
7. Nafs- the evil impulse/instinct of man; nafs-e-ammara.
Translated by Abul Kalam Shamsuddin
