Qaiser’s counsel concludes quizzing PW-12


The defence in the trial of Syed Mohammad Qaiser, charged with committing crimes against humanity during the War of Liberation, on Wednesday concluded cross- examining the twelfth prosecution witness (PW) at the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT)-2.
After the cross-examination, the ICT-2 adjourned the hearing of the case till today.
Gour Prasad Roy, 68, a valiant freedom fighter had testified against the former state-minister for agriculture on May 11, accusing him of signaling the killing of seven people under a railway bridge over Khowai River in Habiganj.
“After the killing by the Pakistani troops, Qaiser’s men then pushed the bullet-riddled bodies towards deeper water,” Roy said in his deposition.
The ICT-2 on February 2, 2014, framed 16
charges of crimes against humanity against Qaiser, who had
allegedly raised an auxiliary force of Pakistan army after his
name during the war and committed heinous crimes in and around
