Putin’s future in jeopardy for internal political dynamics: Western democracies must face war


Despite US President Joe Biden’s efforts to head off a Russian attack against Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin was undeterred. On Thursday, he authorized what he called a “special military operation” into the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine, marking a new high in post-Cold War tensions. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has also confirmed that Russia carried out missile strikes on various infrastructures in his country.

Meanwhile, President Putin has started all out war against democratic Ukraine. Mr Putin’s also in a televised statement warned that any interference by any country would face serious response. He forgets the other countries can also inflict highly damaging response in Russia. But we must avoid a third world war.

Indeed, from the beginning, Biden vowed that the United States and its allies would respond decisively to Russia’s “unprovoked and unjustified attack.” But his handling of the biggest international crisis of his presidency has been deemed something of a mixed bag so far. Yet he was able to unite NATO and made it clear that it would do whatever it could to help Ukraine to defend itself. Western analysts, however, fear that if President Putin cannot be stopped getting away with the occupation of Ukraine, he will not stop there.


President Putin’s insane ambition must be faced militarily now without delay. The economic sanctions, however, harsh they might be do not mean anything to Mr Putin. The Russian people will suffer more miseries. That is why side by side with economic sanctions the people of Ukraine must not be left alone to face the Russian military assault.

The united assault of the Western democracies will have consequences within Russia to bring his downfall. The people in Russia do not see any justification in attacking another independent country for deepening their economic miseries for reason of senseless political ambition of one man.
