Putin expects dialogue with Trump to be constructive

Tass, Moscow, :
Russian President Vladimir Putin hopes his expected meeting with his US counterpart Donald Trump will be constructive, as he himself told the Vesti v Subbotu (Saturday News) with Sergei Brilev show.
The full interview is set to be broadcast on Rossiya 24 on Saturday. “He is a serious-minded person who knows how to listen to people and respond to their arguments.
This leads me to believe that dialogue may prove to be constructive,” Putin said. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov earlier told TASS that the Foreign Ministry was making comprehensive preparations for a meeting between the Russian and US presidents. He added that such a meeting was necessary for launching the process of improving relations between Moscow and Washington.
According to Ryabkov, the US shares this stance. On March 20, Putin and Trump held a telephone call and agreed to hand down instructions to start preparations for a Russia-US summit.
Moreover, later news came that Trump had not only mentioned the possibility of a meeting but also invited Putin to Washington. Russian Presidential Aide Yuri Ushakov said in late May that no preparations were underway for a meeting that could take place before the G20 summit in November. Putin and Trump earlier held talks on the sidelines of the G20 summit held in Germany’s Hamburg in July 2017.
They had another opportunity to hold negotiations during the APEC summit in Vietnam in November 2017 but managed only to exchange a couple of phrases. The Washington Post report adds: President Donald Trump called for Russia to be readmitted to the Group of Seven industrial nations Friday, reaching out to an adversary as he further scrambled an international summit that has showcased a rift between the United States and its closest allies.
Russia was expelled four years ago after it annexed Ukraine’s Crimea region, and it has since angered U.S. lawmakers and foreign powers over interference in the U.S. presidential election, among other actions. But Trump broke with most other G-7 leaders during the first day of their annual summit here with his call to bring back Russia.
“Russia should be in this meeting,” Trump said Friday in Washington before leaving for the annual two-day summit here. “Whether you like it or not, and it may not be politically correct, but we have a world to run. . . . They should let Russia come back in.”
The split over Russia injected another point of division into an already tumultuous G-7 summit. This annual gathering typically is meant to display a show of unity, but Trump has forced a more combative tone, with messy public feuds breaking out over trade disputes.