Publishing industry needs to find ways to survive: Razzaque

Business Desk :
Noting that publishing book is a very noble and creative profession, Agriculture Minister Dr. Muhammad Abdur Razzaque on Saturday stressed the need for finding ways to keep sustaining the publishing industry.
“Book publishers and sellers do not have a chance to become rich overnight. Publishing book is a very noble, creative and intellectual work and it is very important in the development and progress of human civilization,” he said.
The minister mentioned that the size of the book industry in Bangladesh has become much larger and the printing industry has also developed to international standard. But in this age of information technology, the industry faces many challenges, he said.
“I think the joy of reading a printed book and reading a book on a computer or mobile screen is not same. The attraction of the book will always remain,” he said.
He was speaking as the chief guest at the general annual meeting of Bangladesh Book Publishers and Sellers Association at the auditorium of Institution of Engineers in the capital.
Razzaque said publishers need to focus on increasing number of printed books through the use of advanced technology and underlined the need for finding out ways to remain the publishing industry by tackling challenges.
The minister further said that Bangladesh is no longer a country dependent on foreign aid.
