Publication Reward Ceremony at IUBAT

Campus Report :
International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT) has organized a Publication Reward Ceremony at its Dhaka Uttara permanent campus recently.
A primary purpose of any university is the creation and dissemination of knowledge. A progressive cultivation of these vital aspects will enhance the intellectual depth of the university and its contribution to social development. This overall perspective led IUBAT to adopt a Publication Reward System to encourage faculty in scholarly writing and research since 2012. Since then, faculty members of the university are annually awarded for their research and publication activities. This year, 33 (thirty three) scholars of the university have been awarded ceremonially.
The Vice-Chancellor and Founder of IUBAT Prof Dr M Alimullah Miyan presided over the award ceremony. He stated that IUBAT’s research and publication is first of its kind in Bangladesh to encourage generation and dissemination of knew knowledge.
Dr Miyan portrayed the mission, vision, operational philosophy of the university is focusing on the hurdles in its long journey. He added that IUBAT was established even before the enactment of Private University Act in 1992. About the researches and publications, he stated that critical thoughts and analyses embodied in the researches and publications would be a guiding resource for the country’s policy makers to address visible and hidden obstacles in relevant areas of socioeconomic problems.
Since inception the university has been pursuing new vision, mission based on multi-dimensional approach and global outlook in its academic dispensation. All these have helped capacity development of students so that the new graduates could face global challenges at home and abroad. On the other hand research, publication, consultancy and independent thought have been embedded in the academic culture of IUBAT, he mentioned.
Prof AZA Saifullah, Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Publication Reward System Committee gave the welcome address. Prof Dr Abdul Jabber, Chair, Department of Economics, Shaik Earshad Hossain, Assistant Professor, College of Tourism and Hospitality Management and Member Secretary, Publication Reward System Committee also spoke during the ceremony.
Prof Abul Khair, Chair, Department of Chemistry, offered the vote of thanks and concludes the program.
At the end of the program,participants have taken part in a photo session with the dignitaries of the ceremony.