Public hearing is a good gesture but BRTA has to be responsive

The Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) held a public hearing on its premises earlier this week to know the complaints of service seekers in a bid to remove public harassment. It often holds such hearing but there is no end to allegations from service seekers for registration of vehicle, delivery of digital nameplates and driving licenses etc. Sarcastically the BRTA Chairman every time admits that irregularities are taking place and service seekers are harassed and also promise he will take actions against offenders. But what appears highly disappointing is that same allegations are pouring in every time and the Chairman is making same answers without qualitative change in the ground. Nothing is changing to suggest that the Chairman may be knowingly misleading people on false promises.

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) organized a similar hearing on BRTA’s services in May last year in the city and heard similar complaints. The fact is that the Chairman or any other officials in the organization are either quite helpless to the organized rackets or they are also party to irregularities that make removal of such irregularities almost impossible. Many believe that there must be a total overhauling of BRTA system in which law enforcers must play a proactive role while the corrupt mindset of greedy officials must also change.

Public sufferings in BRTA offices are immense in the form of missing of vehicle documents, holding back vehicles particulars like registration number, fitness certificates etc. In many cases officials often show lame excuses such technical faults delaying the service delivery. But if additional money is paid things get regular soon. A TIB study found in 2015 that the country’s road Transport Sector is performing much below the desired level. Owners of vehicles have to bribe officials at almost every step while applying for any service. Despite such recurrent public complaints, question arises as to why the BRTA authorities are not bringing an end to such anarchy.


Many believe that the system of public hearing is nothing but an eye-wash when brokers are openly working with BRTA officials to mislead people and take money from helpless service seekers. It is totally unacceptable and yet the open presence of hoards of brokers around the BRTA office and their extortion business is going unchecked. People pay them money to get quick services or otherwise not to be victim of mischief in their hands.

No public gesture will solve anything for the people or BRTA, unless BRTA can prove its competence and honesty to be responsive to the needs of the people. Then there is the corruption dent and corruption chain that has to be broken. That will prove the hardest.

But we appreciate the gesture to hear the people.
