PSDP orientation at BRAC University

The orientation session for PSDP Summer 2014 (2nd batch) at the BRAC University auditorium in the city recently.
The orientation session for PSDP Summer 2014 (2nd batch) at the BRAC University auditorium in the city recently.

Campus Report :
The orientation session for PSDP Summer 2014 (2nd batch) was recently held at the BRAC University auditorium in the city. BRACU Career Services Office (CSO)organized the event.
The PSDP program is designed to prepare the graduating class to pursue post-graduate employment and academic opportunities. The program has two central objectives. First, it provides extensive information on postgraduate academic opportunities and job market conditions and prospects. Secondly, the program seeks to equip all graduating students with the necessary skills for job search, individual portfolio development and interview preparation.
The event was attended by the Pro-VC Professor Fuad Hasan Mallick, the Director of CSO Khan Ahmed Murshid and the Director of BRAC Institute of Languages (BIL) Lady Syeda Sarwat Abed.
In his welcoming speech, Khan Ahmed Murshid motivated the students to pursue their desired professional goals with dedication and asserted “BRACU Career Services Office is committed to ensuring full support for all PSDP participants in terms of securing appropriate internships and jobs with respective employers.” Lady Syeda Sarwat Abed talked about the importance of linguistic competence and effective articulation in the professional arena. She also emphasized the role of co-curricular activities in preparing well rounded employees, the kind most employers want. Pro-VC, Professor Mallick, highlighted the effectiveness of the PSDP in preparing graduates for the world of work and in “giving our students a crucial edge over the competition.”  
CSO team members presented details of the PSDP course content and motivated students to take the program seriously. The event ended up with an interactive question-answer session in which a wide range of queries were responded by the CSO team and invited speakers.
