They only know bribe taking: Pry teachers main victims


Staff Reporter :
Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Chairman Iqbal Mahmud on Thursday said country’s education officials are seriously involved in bribe taking from the primary teachers.
“Series of allegations have been lodged against the education officials as they only know how to take bribe from the teachers for various reasons especially relating to transfer and enjoying maternal and earned leave,” he said at a view exchange meeting with the officials of Chittagong Division at PTI auditorium in the port city yesterday.
He said, even the officials of Primary and Mass Education Ministry are taking bribe in cash money from the chiefs of educational institutions for changing the results of students’ examinations sheets.
“The officials are also categorising educational institutions as first, second, third, fourth and fifth based on the merit list. It is very unfortunate,” he said. Besides, he said the officials also take bribe from many teachers who do not attend duties on time.
“The officials also show these teachers punctual and regular,” ACC Chairman Iqbal Mahmud said.
At one stage of the exchange of view meeting when Iqbal Mahmud asked the officials whether they agree with him on the matter, they replied ‘no’.
“If you (officials) are right why you didn’t visit the educational institutions regularly,” he said.
He said huge written allegations have piled up in ACC in the last three months.
“We will not take up these allegations, if no fresh allegation is brought against you in the next three months. I’m requesting all of you to correct yourself,” he said.
