Protest continues against derogatory remarks about Prophet


Staff Reporter :
Different political parties and organisations have been continuing their demonstrations in the capital and elsewhere in the country condemning the insulting comments made by the two Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) leaders about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Hundreds of leaders and workers under the banner of Bangladesh Khelafat Majlis, Dhaka City on Friday protested the comments from a rally in the North Gate of national mosque Baitul Mukarram after Jum’a prayers.
They raised the demands for speedy trial of the responsible persons for making such derogatory remarks about the Prophet (PBUH).
The political leaders and the activists also demonstrated in other districts like Gazipur, Narayanganj, Shariatpur, Faridpur, Sylhet, Habiganj, Mymensingh, Feni, Chandpur, Bagura, Khulna and Tangail.
After the Jumma prayers, the leaders and activists of Bangladesh Khelafat Majlis brought out a procession and marched different streets with slogans demanding punishment of the BJP leaders.
Senior leader of Bangladesh Khelafat Majlis Maulana Yusuf Ashraf at the rally said, “The BJP leaders Nupur Sharman’s comments about the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Hazrat Ayesha (R) have hurt the soul of the Muslims.”
The silence of Awami League government for not protesting it has stunned the world, he added.
“When the Muslims in USA and other Muslim countries have protested it,
Bangladesh government has remained silent. It is really regretful,” he asserted.
He has called upon the government to summon the Indian High Commissioner in Dhaka and serve a note of verbal to protest the incident.
Besides, the ruling party Awami League should immediately table a motion of condemnation about the derogatory remarks.
Maulana Yusuf Ashraf also said, “The government is playing a role of silence. The people are not taking it well. If the government does not protest it, the outburst of it will be reflected in the next election.”
The demonstrations were also brought out in the Kamrangirchar dam area where hundreds of people protested the remarks and demanded justice.
Earlier, on Thursday, thousands of Muslims under the banner of Isalmi Andolon Bangladesh protested the incident and submitted a memorandum to the Indian High Commission. They urged the Indian government to stop repression of the Muslims who are being persecuted by the government agencies.
They had also called upon Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to immediately make arrangement for justice.
Soon after the derogatory remarks, the Muslims throughout the world have protested it and even some of them boycotted Indian products.
