Protecting interest of workers emphasized


Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed said the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is working relentlessly to protect the interest of workers.
“In 2009, Taka 1,600 was the lowest wages for a worker. But the present government has increased it by 223 percent to Taka 5,300,” he said this on Friday while addressing as the chief guest a function marking the “National Professional Health and Safety Day-2017” at Krishibid Institution Auditorium in the city.
This year, the theme of the day is “Healthy Work Environment, Going Ahead Bangladesh”.
Bangladesh has become as a member of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) on June 22, 1972, said Tofail adding that Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman has protected the interest of workers in the Bangladesh Constitution.
He also said after the unexpected multi-storied Rana Plaza building collapse, the government has taken more programmes to ensure safety of workers. “Now they are getting suitable salary, safety and work-friendly environment in the factory,” he added.
State Minister for Labour and Employment M Mujibul Haque attended the function as the special guest with Labour Secretary Mikail Shipar in the chair.
