Prospects of eco-tourism in Chittagong Hill Tracts

Chittagong Focurs Desk :
Generate greater awareness
It is necessary that we generate greater awareness among public authorities and the private sector regarding eco- tourisms capacity to contribute to the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage, which will affect tourists and help the improvement of standard of living of the people of those areas.
Disseminate eco- tourisms method
To protect eco-systems we should disseminate methods and techniques for the planning, management, regulation and monitoring of eco-tourism to guarantee its long-term sustainability.
Increase marketing opportunity
Our authority should increase opportunities for the efficient marketing and promotion of eco-tourism destinations and products on international markets.
Capture global tourism market
The aim of the eco-tourism development in our country should be capture a portion of the huge global tourism market by attracting visitors to natural beauty spots and using the revenues, to fund local conservation and fuel economic development.
Publish necessary handbooks
The authority should publish necessary hand books and related materials and distribute the same to the concerned following levels of people for their awareness and conscientization building without delay: i) local people and tribal and primitive or native inhabitant’s society. ii) National and international tourists. iii) Group of people involved in tourism industry.
Publicity about eco-tourism through media
Different information about eco-tourism should be arranged for publicizing in the daily news papers and broad casting the same through media like radio, T.V. etc for enhancing public awareness.
Education and training
Education and training are most important factors that enhancing the links between biodiversity conservation planning and tourism. Hotels, motels, restaurants and tour operators should be provided with various training programs among their staff at every level.
Development infrastructure facilities
The government of Bangladesh and the BPC need to understand that eco-tourism is an industry. It is the fastest growing industry in the world and would provide the country with big amount of foreign currencies. So, it needs a ground to create and develop eco-tourism, which is based on understanding the need of eco-tourism and create a safe and sanc environment. The tourist should be given easy and cheaper visa facilities, safe water, food and security, infrastructure comforts, emergency managements, availability of basic amenities and communication. Therefore, infrastructure development is most required element for expansion of eco-tourism facilities to the tourists. For a good infrastructure the role of airlines, good accommodation, recreation etc cannot be over emphasized.
These may be arranged to project eco-tourism potentials of our country: to established linkage for the growth of inbound, to bring together travel related agencies, BPC, airlines, hotels, motels, tour operators, credit card companies, cargo and air express companies etc to facilitate exchange of information and ideas among the partners in travel trade.
Need investment by private entrepreneurs
To develop eco-tourism we need more investment by the private entrepreneurs. We expect that private entrepreneurs might come forward to invest in the tourism sector. However, private entrepreneurs have to be provided with necessary facilities and infrastructures and for that there is need of implementation of some develop projects.
Improve moral obligation
We should improve our moral obligations for loving the nature and be friendly environment. The interaction of tourism and biodiversity conservation should be known at different schools level along with technical, university, where tourism is taught.
Incentives offer by the Government
The Government should offer incentives and allot necessary land to encourage private entrepreneurs in establishing enough accommodation along with restaurant facilities in the tourist areas. The private sector will definitely need initial financial assistance from the govt. or some outside source.
Form Eco-Tourism Council
The Government of Bangladesh should form Eco-Tourism Council. It is essential to coordinate different ministerial function to promote eco-tourism in our country.
Expand National Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (NHTTI) activities
The activities of the National Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (NHTTI) should be expanded all over the country. The NHTTI will provide skill to concerned personnel through local and foreign training. Moreover, the training institution can also provide formal and informal training for youth workers, tourism industry workers, tourism guides, and transport workers in the tourism business.
Building positive image of Bangladesh Biman
Bangladesh Biman difficulties need to be overcome. We should ensure good quality of services, on board; ensure maintenance& entertainment on board etc. As a promotional measure airlines could offer cheaper tickets and packages for tourist. Obviously something can be done to promote the tourism of Bangladesh in collaboration with the hotel, airlines, and tour operators at international level.
It is opined that Bangladesh whose image aboard is at lowest ebb as the poorest country in the world and prone to natural calamities like flood and cyclone. Bangladesh government need to take effort to dispel the image and depict that Bangladesh really is the country with unspoiled natural beauty and a charm that comes from friendly and hospitable people.
Organizing workshops and seminars
We need holding workshops, seminars and discussion with the people of different levels, irrespective of caste, creeds religion race and political affiliation to protect our nature.
Bangladesh has potentials for growth of eco-tourism. Its geographical location down the highest mountain peak- Everest has made our country a subject of interest of people in the world. With the ecological and environmental interests today, ecological themes and aspects are growing more and more popular in tourism. We have land mass is crossed by major rivers and natural lakes.
The Mangrove forest- Sundarbans is a major object of interest for local and foreign tourists. Three hill districts are very interesting for local and foreign tourist. Eco-Tourism can change the unequal relationships of conventional tourism.
So if we develop the eco-tourism management plan properly by private public initiator in Chittagong hill tract, we can create the potential job opportunities and will be earn a huge foreign exchange.