Proper supervision needed for tax collection at up level

BSS, Rajshahi :
Proper supervision and monitoring has become an urgent task for enhancing the collection of holding tax in Union Parishad (UP) level for making it self-reliant, speakers at a discussion meeting here said.
They viewed own fund is the precondition to strengthen the local government institutions and successful collection of holding tax could be the effective means of bolstering the own fund.
There should be adequate measures of supervision and monitoring to enhance the UP level holding tax collection as many of the UPs remained reluctant to collect tax due to lack of supervision from the higher authorities concerned, they added.
The observations came at a participatory dialogue styled “Role of Holding Tax to Strengthen UP” held at Regional Office of Mass-line Media Center (MMC) in Rajshahi city Wednesday.
MMC and Local Government Journalists Forum (LGJF) jointly organized the dialogue in association with Citizens Voice for Improved Local Public Services (CVIPS) Project and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
During his keynote presentation, Kazi Nazmul Islam, Vice-president of LGJF, says the issue of holding tax collection in local government institutions needs mandatory and that can facilitate the UPs to collect holding tax hundred percent.
Regional Manager of CVIPS Project Jahangir Alam Khan, Upazila Social Service Officer Abu Taher, Haripur UP Chairman Nazrul Islam, President of Rajshahi Press Club Anwarul Alam and LGJF General Secretary Sohel Mahbub spoke on the occasion with Mamun-or Rashid, President of LGJF, in the chair.
Taking part in the discussion some people of Local Government Institutions (LGIs) including UP members and secretaries said many of the UPs in the region have some good practices and they need to be replicated to other ones as horizontal learning.
There should be measures of motivating the people of Local Government Institutions (LGIs) and others concerned towards horizontal learning for expediting the grassroots development activities through local resource mobilization instead of foreign aids.
To this end, the public representatives both male and females should have to visit the good practices of LGIs frequently so that they can replicate the good practices to their respective areas.
They told the discussion that they have achieved significant success in the area of increased collection of household tax, supply of safe water through piped water supply system, free operation and maintenances services for the whole year through registration of tube-well.
Besides, successes have also been attained in various other service delivery activities like birth and death registration, formation of committee under the leadership of women, adolescent health care, open budget meeting, cent percent achievement in sanitation, arsenic test, union information service center etc.
The participants expressed their firm commitment to implement development schemes through peer learning to avoid dependency on donor driven project activities.