Produce Manna for open and speedy trial


Nagarik Oikya Convener Mahmudur Rahman Manna is now in 10 days police remand on charges of sedition for what the government has alleged so far known that he tried to incite the army to destabilize the country.The allegation of sedition is based on a telephonic conversation. The government has also accused him of trying to mobilize students in Dhaka University campus, besides attempting to organize a procession in the city streets from Jatiya Press Club. As we see, Mahmudur Rahman Manna did not have much of a chance to explain his version of the incident. He did not deny that such talks were not held. But he said, according to some newspaper reports, his conversation was not fully and correctly placed by the authorities. Manna was immediately arrested and sent to police custody. Since then he is out of touch.He started his long political career with Awami League and has every right to pursue his own politics. Manna also did not deny the charge that he has talked to an unnamed person who suggested arranging a meeting for him with some in-service and retired army personnel to talk on present political crisis. He said it was a mere suggestion, it did not take place and there was nothing as such threatening public order. Manna has protested the breaking of his private telephone talks to social media by unknown sources.We are concerned on the issue of freedom of expression and the need of early fair trial. Since the allegation is a serious offense regarding the interest of the state, the people and the press are anxious to know both the versions of the case Manna is going to face. It is not our intention to defend sedition of anybody. But full facts must be disclosed in the country’s interest as urgently as possible by proceeding with the case in the court.The government is still claiming to be democratic, so it should believe in the rule of law. As our knowledge goes, secretly recorded telephonic conversation is not encouraged to be produced for public knowledge under the rule of law or freedom of speech. Any crime needs overt act or acts. We say this for the anxiety of all to know what more we must know for the allegation of sedition against Manna.It is a reality that in a democracy the people are not too careful while talking privately. They often say things light-heartedly without seriously caring about the serious implications it might otherwise have. This kind of indulgence is the beauty of democracy and freedom. We do not have to fear the government all the time when no harm against the country or the government is actively intended for or organized to be done.As Manna is a political leader openly critical of some actions of both the government and the opposition, it will be of great interest to know the exact case against him. It should not look fair to keep a political leader too long in police custody so that the people can have the suspicion of any wrong doing.We urge the government to produce Manna in court for speedy trial without delay if the government is convinced of his involvement in an act of sedition. That will make us all cautious about how to be on the right side of law even when we talk privately with others.
