Probe body over contraband cigar imports formed

Chittagong Bureau :
Chittagong Customs Authority (CCA) launched drive to ascertain the persons involved with the import of contraband cigarettes with false declaration of cotton yarn with bond facilities .
In this connection , a 5- members probe committee formed on Monday last with Joint commissioner of CCA Ahteshamul Hoque as team leader. Other members are – AC Kamrul Islam, Revenue officer Shishir Paul, Asstt. RO Anup Roy and Asif Ahmed .
Mentionable that one consignment of cigarettes with false declaration of yarn was imported by FRC Knit Composite Mills of Gazipur seized by customs at Chittagong porton Feb 25 last and subsequently another consignment of 288 cartoon of Benson cigars also seized by customs on March 2 last .
 Both the consignment was brought by the ships of Saki Shipping Lines . In this connection, ManagingDirector of Saki Shipping Anowar Showkat was arrested who later grantedbail after 4 days. The approximate market price of these cigar about Tk.7 crores, sources said.
 CCA formed a probe committee to ascertain the persons behind the imports of contraband cigars with false declaration under bond facilities of a RMG industry of Gazipur and Savar Dhaka, sources said.