Pro-BNP professionals want inclusive polls

Plan human chain Jan 27


Staff Reporter :Bangladesh Sammilita Peshajibi Parishad, a pro-BNP professional body, has called upon the government to take the initiative of holding talks in order to end the current political impasse in the country. “The ongoing crisis is political crisis and it has to be resolved politically,” said the Parishad. The platform in a press conference at the National Press Club in the city on Friday also said that an inclusive election with participation of all political parties is the only way to get rid of the crisis. “The atmosphere of the inclusive election can be created and the ongoing impasse can be resolved through a meaningful dialogue,” Ruhul Amin Gazi, Acting Convener of the Peshajibi Parishad, said in a written statement. He said, “The Peshajibi Parishad will continue movement until dialogue is held. If the government does not take any initiative by January 26, we will form human chain across the country on January 27 in favour of our demand.” The professional leaders alleged that the ongoing crisis was the product of the ‘one-sided and controversial’ January-5 election. The people of the country lost their voting rights due to the ‘voter-less election’. “The government has to reach a compromise with the demonstrating parties to resolve the ongoing crisis,” they said. Referring to the call of United Nations and the foreign office of the US and civil society members, they said, “Like the international forum and civil society representatives, we, the professionals, also believe that a meaningful dialogue is only the way out.” They alleged, the government is pushing the country towards destruction instead of taking any initiative of solution. They termed the ongoing movement of the BNP-led 20-party alliance as democratic and logical. But the government was resorting to the repression on the leaders and workers of the alliance in a bid to thwart the movement, they added. President of a faction of the Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists (BFUJ) Shaukat Mahmud and former Pro-Vice Chancellor of Dhaka University Prof Dr AFM Yusuf Haider and the DU Professor Dr Sadrul Amin among others also attended the press conference.
