Pro-BNP ‘Muktadhara Ainjibi Parishad formed


Staff Reporter

A newly formed pro-BNP (Bangladesh Nationalist Party) lawyers organization titled ‘Muktadhara Ainjibi Parishad’ has been formed at a meeting in the city on Sunday with a view to establishing the ideals of President Zia.
Advocate Tajul Islam Taj was made President and Advocate Asgar Ali General Secretary of the newly formed organization, said a press release.
The meeting demanded immediate release of BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia and all other political prisoners, removal of statue of woman from Supreme Court premises, formulation of specific law to ensure freedom of the judiciary and its neutrality. Besides, it also demanded recruitment process in the judiciary without any political influence.
The press release was jointly signed by the organization’s president Tajul Islam Taj and General Secretary Sayed Asgar Ali. “We are observing that there is no rule of law in Bangladesh. The muscle men are oppressing the weaker. The basic rights confirmed by the Constitution are in exile and democracy is dead,” the leaders of the organization alleged.
