‘Private hospitals lack of qualified pathologists’


Most of the private hospitals, clinics and diagnostic centres in the city lack modern equipment and qualified pathologists. As such, they send samples collected from patients to the government hospitals for pathological test, sources in the hospitals said.
After test done in the government hospitals, the reports are sent back to the private hospitals for delivery to the patients.
Although the hospital authorities and the Health Department of the government were informed of this practice by different corners, the malpractice continues taking advantage of the authorities’ carelessness.
Many equipments have already lost their effectiveness and utility because of excessive use. Most of the private hospitals in the city are not well equipped even to conduct blood tests.
Blood is sent to the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Sir Salimullah Medical College Hospital, Shaheed Suhrawardy Hospital and Shishu Hospital, sources of the hospitals said.
The nurses of the private hospitals, clinics and diagnostic centers first collect blood from patients who visit them. Later, the blood in small bottles are sent to the government hospitals for test.
The technologists and lab technicians do the tests and make money, neglecting their assigned duties.
The tests are for hematology, blood glucose, renal function, liver function, serology, hormones, viral hepatitis profile and other diseases.
