Prime Minister’s Advisor of Private Industry and Investment Salman Fazlur Rahman, attended at a roundtable discussion on ‘Youth Employment & Entrepreneurship- Challenges & Prospects’ organized by Women Entrepreneur Association of Bangladesh (WEAB) with the support of the European Union funded PRISM Programme-Technical Assistance to BSCIC Component at Sarina Hotel in the city on Saturday while Dr. Gowher Rizvi, Prime Minister’s Advisor of International Relation Affairs, also present. Nasreen Fatema Awal, founder President of WEAB, Hans Lambrecht, First Secretary of EU in Bangladesh, Shahruk Rahman, President WEAB and Ali Sabet, Team Leader of PRISM Project in Bangladesh, were also present.

Prime Minister's Advisor of Private Industry and Investment Salman Fazlur Rahman, attended at a roundtable discussion on 'Youth Employment & Entrepreneurship- Challenges & Prospects' organized by Women Entrepreneur Association of Bangladesh (WEAB) with
Prime Minister's Advisor of Private Industry and Investment Salman Fazlur Rahman, attended at a roundtable discussion on 'Youth Employment & Entrepreneurship- Challenges & Prospects' organized by Women Entrepreneur Association of Bangladesh (WEAB) with

