President, PM urge all to come forward for welfare of disabled


City Desk :
The 15th World Autism Awareness Day will be observed in the country as elsewhere across the globe today.
The theme of the day this year is ‘Emon Bishwa Gori, Autism Boishishto-somponno Bektir Protiva Bikoshito Kori’.
In 2008, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously declared April 2 as the World Autism Awareness Day to highlight the needs to help improve the lives of children and adults who suffer from the disorder.
President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina gave separate messages on the eve of the day urging all concerned to come forward for welfare of the disabled, reports BSS.
In his message, M Abdul Hamid said to ensure the constitutional rights of persons with disabilities, the government has already enacted Rights and Protection of Persons with Disabilities Act 2013, Neuro-Developmental Disability Protection Trust Act-2013, Bangladesh Rehabilitation Council Act 2018 and Integrated Special Education Policy, 2019.
As a result of the implementation of these laws, policies and regulations, the rehabilitation process continues along with the provision of medical and therapy services as per the type and extent of disability, the head of the state added.
He said the Autism Resource Center has been set up under the Ministry of Social Welfare which is a landmark initiative of the government.
He hoped that the launch of the Autism and Neuro developmental disabilities (NDD) Service Center will further improve the quality of life of children and individuals with autism and other NDD children and individuals.
People with autism are not a burden to society, he said, adding that it is possible to turn them into skilled human resources through proper education, training, guidance and inspiration.
In this case, it is important to ensure a suitable workplace and work environment for them, as well as to change the negative attitude towards them and to provide support and assistance in the family and society, he added.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, in her message, said the greatest Bangalee of all time, Father of Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman ensured the equal rights of all citizens in the constitution of independent Bangladesh.
The present Awami League (AL) led government is committed to protect the rights of all in the country, the premier said.
The government has already provided online training to 390 parents or guardians in 190 upazilas of 53 districts of Bangladesh amid COVID-19 situation to give home-based care and take care of mental health of children and persons with autism, she said, adding that the government has formed the Neuro Developmental Disability (NDD) Protection Trust to this end.
At the same time, 450 teachers from 115 schools in 105 upazilas of 60 districts have been trained and this is an ongoing process, she said, adding that two applications called ‘Bolte Chai’ and ‘Autism Barta’ have been created.
Under the NDD Protection Trust, ‘Autism and NDD Service Centers’ are being set up in 14 upazilas this year as a pilot project, she said, adding that through these centers, 17 different types of services including international standard early intervention will be provided to NDD children and individuals with autism through multi-disciplinary team with social and medical methods.
These activities will be gradually expanded across the country, she continued.
NDD persons including autistics are getting health protection as Neuro-Developmental Disabilities Protection Trust is implementing ‘Bangabandhu Suraksha Bima’ in coordination with Sadharan Bima Corporation (SBC), she said.
The NDD person is being given a one-time financial medical grant every year, she said, adding that ‘Organization Registration Guidelines’ have been formulated regarding the appointment of guardians of NDD persons, who do not have guardians, and their rehabilitation.
The project is being taken up by the trust in a cluster manner as part of its future work plan, she said, adding that the NDD Protection Trust needs to be more proactive in implementing these technology-based activities.
The premier hoped that children and adolescents with autism will be grown up through right care, education, training and affection, so that they could be an asset to the family, society and the state.
Both the president and the premier wished the overall success of all the programmes taken on the occasion of the 15th World Autism Awareness Day.
