Commentary: India not only protected the false heroes but also made the real heroes suffer

–Mainul Hosein :
Now we know how independent we are and why the government has found it easy to remain in power denying the people’s right to have their own government. It was no problem in thrusting upon us a government not accountable to us.
The Awami League spared no opportunity to express its allegiance to the government of India and why we should remain eternally grateful to Indian leadership for giving us a free country.
Thirty lakhs people died and more than four lakhs women became victims of rape at the hands of the occupied Pakistan army in the most helpless way when leaders of brave voice left us for safety in moments.
Our people also felt and expressed gratitude to Indian leadership for freeing them from the brutality of the Pakistan army because our leaders had no preparation against the military operation of the Pakistan army and left us to die.
When Bangabandhu returned to Bangladesh, our people wanted to believe that Bangladesh would not be a subservient country to India, they should be a free people under the safety of democracy for which they struggled for a long time in Pakistan.
The Awami Leaguers were so overwhelmed with joy to be in power with the help of India that they did not care to know that our internal politics was being orchestrated to be unsettled for democracy.
Bangabandhu was unhappy with India’s dominant role in the creation of Bangladesh. He realised the mistake of not listening to the last minute request of Mr Tajuddin Ahmed, Dr Kamal Hossain and Barrister Amirul Islam to come out with them and not be arrested. But he refused their appeal but asked them to go and be in different parts of the country. His advice to them was to remain hidden in the country.
With Bangabandhu being nowhere, the unprepared exile government of Bangladesh existed in name only. Bangabandhu’s arrest left us without leadership of ours. The leadership went to Indira Gandhi by default or through a sinister conspiracy.
We had no terrorism in Bangladesh, but Bangladesh was seen fighting terrorism and killing people as terrorists without trial. The government assumed autocratic powers and the people were terrorised.
The people have been living in fear of the government. Bangabandhu declared one party rule as his “second revolution” and denied people’s rights not experienced before. He wanted to make us believe that Bangladesh was born because of his call to build fortresses of resistance. There was no fortress of resistance, no arms and he and his other political leaders were not present to give leadership.
The people of Bangladesh were perplexed to see how their dream of democracy and living in peace disappeared fast and new politics was implanted that was not theirs. The subsequent Awami League governments had no difficulty in denying the people free election to remain in power. They kept the judiciary crippled.
Now the Foreign Minister Abdul Momen has revealed the lies and the government’s own incapacity to be in power, and sought India’s help in every way to keep Sheikh Hasina’s government in power. It follows that the government has been doing everything to please the government of India while our own people were made to suffer as if they were under a foreign country’s rule
That does not logically make the government our government or Bangladesh as an Independent country.
The government has been bold to rely on lies to claim their personal glory and the people’s gratitude for bestowing Bangladesh as an “independent” country under the leadership of Bangabandhu and thus he became the father of the nation. The nation must remain indebted to him for giving us a piece of land as Bangladesh and a flag. As if revolution needs no preparation, no leadership. It was expected that India would arm our freedom fighters to fight Pakistan army.
The freedom fighters are now being pampered for liberation of Bangladesh though India itself did not recognise them to be present at the event of the Pakistan army’s surrender.
The people who stayed in to face the atrocities of Pakistan army and created international pressure in favour of Bangladesh are now branded as anti-independence Razkars. Our political leadership is so unpopular that it has no other option or courage but to depend on the protection of India.
 People now should congratulate Mr. Momen for exposing the helplessness of the government and its need for all out assistance from India to keep Sheikh Hasina and her government in power. In other words, he made it clear that without India’s all out help she has no hope.
It will be wrong to blame India for subjugating us through our own people. We have to reconsider how the weakness of cowardice and greed in our character to be changed for dignified living.