Preparation of Bangladesh to tackle Ebola satisfactory: WHO

.BSS, Kathmandu :
World Health Organisation (WHO) Director (South East Asia Communicable Diseases Department) Dr Rajesh Bhatia today praised the government for the preparatory steps taken to tackle the killer Ebola Virus Disease (EVD).
Appreciating the Health Minister Mohammad Nasim for raising the awareness to prevent outbreak of the deadly EVD epidemic in the country, Dr Bhatia said, “Health Minister of Bangladesh personally visited different health complexes and airport to inspect the ebola protection activities, which is very positive.”
Dr Bhatia was speaking today at a session of the three-day seminar titled, “Region Media Works on Emergency Infectious Diseases’ that began in Kathmandu, Nepal yesterday.
Praising the initiative of importing thermal scanners to install at different ports in the country to record temperatures of arriving passengers, as a precaution against the EVD Dr Bhatia said, “It proved that Bangladesh is always ready to face any new threat.”
Some 25 teams have been working at different areas of the country to face spreading of EVD and at least 3000 doctors were trained by the health ministry.
According to WHO, the number of cases in the Ebola outbreak has exceeded 10,000, with 4,922 deaths across the world.
Ebola, mainly an animal disease, was first reported in Congo in 1976. But, last year, there were alarming outbreaks of the disease in West African countries-Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia – as thousands of people there were infected by the disease.