Prachi Tehlan’s birthday wishes for Namish Taneja is cutest thing on Internet


Some friends are
actually to stay forever, even if they are less in touch or are no longer working with each other. This time it’s Prachi Tehlan and Namish Taneja from the TV industry.
Prachi Tehlan, who worked in Star Plus show Ikyawann recently posted a few pictures for the
birthday boy a.k.a. her co-star, Namish Taneja, on her Instagram. Working with him for more than six months, Prachi made sure that the birthday boy felt special on his DAY
and she gets to add her share to it too.
The actor shared some old pictures from the show’s shooting slots on Instagram. This post won hearts of Prachi’s insta
followers and some of them even expressed how much they missed the onscreen couple. Like this one, where her fan took it to Twitter to praise her.
Ikyawann was a star plus show in which portrayal of a not-so-girly-girl won Prachi a lot of
appreciation, by helping her embark on a journey to success. She beautifully presented an unseen face of the Indian women, who reframed the definition
of ‘marriage material.’
As for the duo, they worked together in Ikyawann and the
audience completely fell head over heels for the onscreen couple’s chemistry with each other.
