Prachi Tehlan on a fitness spree after Mamangam

An actor’s life is very much like the clay that is moulded as and when needed. Every project (film/show) demands them to act and look in a certain way – for which immense effort is required.
After Aamir Khan in Dangal, and Salman Khan in Sultan, it is our television star Prachi Tehlan who is making news for her looks in the upcoming big budget Malayalam movie Mamangam.
The actress had to put on weight for her character, and is now once again working hard to get back in shape. “Yes, I was required to gain weight for Mamangam and after the shoot got over, I started reducing it. I am on strict diet plan and doing gym for at least two hours a day, as a result of which I have already lost 8kgs in last 2 months.”