Potters face competition from rival products


Jahirul Haque Titu, Pirojpur :
Potters community, known as paal, of Pirojpur district face hardship as sale of their earthen products has fallen with the influx of plastic, silver and iron products in the markets.
The wholesalers from Khulna, Jessore, Bagerhat and other places do not come to Pirojpur to buy earthen products.
As a result, over 500 families of Mulgram village in Pirojpur Sadar upazila are living in miseries. It is hard for the guardians to maintain their families with meager income.
Paying a visit at Mulgram Paalpara last week, this correspondent found that men and women of all ages are busy in producing potteries like jar, utensils, cake making dice and lid and others.
“Everyday we produce our goods. But we cannot sell those in sufficient number because of buyers’ crisis,” said Shankar Paal, 35, a potter of Paalpara adding that it is now difficult for them to earn TK 100 everyday from this profession.
He also said that now they have to buy a boat of mud paying TK 500 and one maund (measurement of weight) of fuel wood at Tk 120-130. But the sale price is not satisfactory, transpiring that they earn a little profit.
