Pollution hits Sylhet city dwellers

S A Shofiee, Sylhet :
Sylhet city is now regarded as the most hazardous city. Apart from air pollution, the city dwellers have also been facing multifaceted problems like noise and water pollutions which have a negative impact on the human health.
 Due to a large number of people living in Sylhet city, high rise buildings, unplanned roads and a large number of vehicles, sound pollution has increased day by day. People have also become restless on the road because of long tailbacks, according to environmentalists. They said some vehicles spread leads and other harmful matters in the air. The dust also causes heavy air pollutions in the city. And the dust makes the air thicker. Especially on streets, pedestrians, particularly old and children, suffer most to take breath for the thick air with dust and sands.
While visiting different city areas this reporter found full of bad smells of un-moved garbage that also caused air pollution. The huge smokers of the city also produce smokes, which are also caused air pollutions. Though the smoking in public place is banned by law, the smokers violate the rule and frequently smoke on streets, bus stands and other places of public gatherings. It also harms children’s health seriously.
On the other hand, sound pollution also makes the citizens life hampered. Un-controlled use of hydraulic horn in different vehicles makes serious noise pollution. Though the hydraulic horn is banned, various transports use the hydraulic horns.
“Various types of vehicle like buses, trucks, CNG-driven taxies, motorbikes and other vehicles are now seen emitting serious black smokes. They are responsible for polluting air seriously in the Sylhet,” said Zeni, a teacher of a primary school. “The sound of hydraulic horn is really unbearable. It causes fatal harms for human health. Especially, it harms children physical and mental health. But the drivers recklessly using the hydraulic horns,” said Parvin Sultana, a rickshaw passenger and mother of a minor boy in Mirabazar area.
The drivers of different vehicles use horn unconsciously in high volume. Various types of roadside factories and workshops cause pollutions in residential areas and nearby schools. The health experts and environment activists said the noise pollution causes high blood pressure, heart, kidney, brain, ear problems and other harms on human body and mind.Besides, the textile, garments, dying and other factories are emitters of various chemicals, which cause severe water pollutions of the rivers and other water bodies. The city dwellers are using these polluted waters in deferent ways.
Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon (BAPA) Sylhet Abdul Karim kim told that, We have seen every day various vehicles are emitting dark and black smokes in the city air, he said. ” Additional Commissioner of Sylhet Metropolitan Police Rahmatullah, told that “The government should have to take the pollution issues seriously to protect our environment. Mills and factories must need to set up Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) to protect waters from pollutions, He said police are regularly driving operations against hydraulic horns of vehicles. We are also taking actions against black smokes and lead emitting from vehicles.