Policeman accused of raping woman on marriage pretext in Narayanganj


A constable at Narayanganj’s Siddhirganj police station has been accused of raping a woman on the pretext of marriage.
The woman as plaintiff started a case against Constable Abdul Kuddus Nayan, 35, on Wednesday.
The constable is currently posted at the Rajarbagh Police Lines.
Addressing the matter, Siddhirganj Police OC Kamrul Faruk said Constable Nayan met the alleged victim on a social media platform about two years ago. The two developed a romantic relationship and were later married by a mosque cleric.
But they did not have a marriage certificate or other registration papers, according to the OC.
“The woman works at a beauty parlour. She alleges that she was raped on the pretext of marriage. A case has been initiated under the Women and Children Repression Prevention Act.”
Police are investigating the allegations and will take action against Nayan if the accusations are found to be true, added OC Faruk.

Source: bdnews24.com
