Police rescue girl about to be sold to brothel after gang-rape in Bagerhat; 2 arrested


Our Correspondent :
Police have rescued a 19-year-old while she was being sold to a brothel in Mongla upazila in Bagerhat after gang-rape.
The law enforcers also arrested two youths-Sumon Sharif and Mehedi Hasan of Mongla-while they were allegedly selling the girl to the brothel in Banishanta village on Wednesday afternoon after raping her over five days, said Iqbal Bahar Chowdury, officer-in-charge of Mongla Police Station, on Saturday.
The arrestees were sent to Bagerhat jail by a district court on Thursday after the victim filed a case against them with the police station, said the OC.
Quoting the case statement, OC Iqbal Bahar told our Bagerhat correspondent that Sumon and Mehedi became friends with the young woman during work in Chattogram EPZ.They took the girl to Jhenaidah Sadar last week, promising her a good job.
After staying at a friend’s house for three days, the girl was brought to Mehedi Hasan’s house in Shelabuni in Mongla on Tuesday, said the case statement.
During this time, the two youths raped the girl several times, added the statement. On information, a team of Mongla police rescued the girl while the duo was trying to sell her to a brothel in Banishanta village on Wednesday and arrested them, said OC Iqbal Bahar.
