Commentary: Police must show human considerations in not making doubtful arrests easily

Editorial Desk :
This undeniable that police do not take as seriously as they should in implicating people in criminal cases. Even under section 54 police cannot make arrests without prima facie satisfaction about the involvement of the person in the crime. Police are facing criticism for carelessly showing people involved in the crime and arresting more people than necessary. Political abuse of police power forces the police to be irresponsible about implicating as many people as their political master will please. But the police cannot stop being guardian of law.
Like all other institutions of good government the institution of police has also been wrecked to be effective. The number of police case showing large number of arrests has not impacted in reducing crimes in the country.
The major money making crimes such as drug trafficking and smuggling are
committed by powerful godfathers not so easy to touch. Thousands of young ones are arrested for easy suspicion of involvement as carrier of drugs and smuggling of contraband goods.
We urge the police not to be too harsh with our unemployed young ones who are tempted to be involved in drug and smuggling related crimes for easy money.
The police cannot deny that they do not know who are the godfathers behind such crimes. Unless their involvement in such crimes are publicly exposed they remain safe and not touched. The police are either helpless against them or collude with them. We say this not to blame the police exclusively. But want we see police as people’s police working for the people.
It is admitted that patriotism is not taken seriously by many when it comes selfish interest. But unless we are ready to do what should be done in the greater interest of our people and the country, crooks and criminals will dominate us. That is not how a civilised people choose to live.
We all know how difficult life is for the ordinary people. At least we can cease to be cruel. It is our painful observation that fifty per cent of the accused implicated in police cases could have been avoided to be arrested and made accused if the police were more serious in understanding social problems created by unnecessary arrests. Please file cases against those who will be found guilty on evidence at the trial and not arrest persons because it is easy in our country to make them suffer in jail merely because they have police cases against them.
Our appeal to the police is to have human considerations not to make indiscriminate bunch arrests just because they have the power to arrest, especially when obtaining bail is seriously objected by government lawyers.