Independence Day 2020: poem


The Speech of Seventh March
Masudur Rahman

There ascended the savior of the nation
 On the makeshift wooden dais,
He was clad in a simple white dress
Taller than others, as he always was.

He looked at the vast ocean of crowd
Millions may be, if you could count,
Before them he paused, for a few moment
And he felt them closer than his own heart.

These men and women came from far and near
Part of total populace, seventy-five million in number,
Fell they all in silence, before him to hear
In expectations to reshape the life’s destiny their.

And thus he started the eloquent speech
Words coming out his mouth all at an ease,
 Spellbinding the crowd who’d heard never
To speak him like that earlier, or ever after.

So in no time the speech has become
A Masterpiece of Oratory in our own time,
And it has now been recorded in the archive’s room
At UNESCO’S famed Memory of the World Program.


What was in it and what was all said
What flew out from his mouth and what was narrated,
Why now it is towering above, in its worth
Even of Abraham Lincoln’s Speech of Gettysburg.

Two score and ten years of time since elapsed
 The call that he made is still remembered,
Word by word of it is resounded in our ear
And it shall remain embedded in our heart, forever.

Because he brought about all the pent up grievances
Seventy five million Bangali’s pain and distresses,
Treachery of Pakistan’s for twenty-five years’ long
Showing a path to the masses for their emancipation.

The clarion call was made to come out of their misery
The revolt must be made with all courage and bravery,
His one single slogan-‘Joy Bangla’ infused best of inspiration
Bangali’s thus jumped to his call with no further invocation.

We are now ever indebted to you for your supreme sacrifice
That you’ve made for us all throughout your life,
Bangabandhu, you’ve made us a proud victorious nation
Won the Independence in nine months’ War of Liberation.
