PM’s role in taking Holey Artisan attackers to task lauded


Outgoing Italian Ambassador in Dhaka Mario Palma on Tuesday expressed sincere appreciation for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s sympathetic but strong leadership role in taking the terrorists of Holey Artisan attack to task.
He termed the Holey Artisan attack as a sad of his tenure while paying a farewell call on Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali at the foreign ministry here, a press release said.
The envoy also expressed satisfaction at the beginning of trial in the Court to pass justice for the victims.
Ali deeply appreciated Ambassador Palma’s compassionate and constructive approach to tackle the situation in the aftermath of July 1, 2016 terrorist attack, at the restaurant in Dhaka where nine Italian citizens were killed.
During the meeting, they also discussed about ever growing trade and investment relations between the two countries.
The Foreign Minister hoped that both countries would continue to accrue more benefits out of the strong understanding that exists between the two countries.
The outgoing envoy also called on State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam at the ministry.
Ambassador Palma presented his credentials to the President Abdul Hamid on January 14 in 2015 and is expected to leave Dhaka, on completion of his tour of duty, in early January 2019.
