PM`s E-voting plan ill motivated: BNP

Staff Reporter :
BNP Senior Joint Secretary General on Thursday said that the government’s initiative of taking electronic voting machine (EVM) in the next general election is ill motivated.
“The Prime Minister’s speech about taking EVM system in the next Parliamentary polls is totally ill motivated. The initiative is only for vote rigging. It will be another illusion of the PM,” he said this while addressing a press briefing at the party’s Naya Paltan office.
Rizvi said, former Chief Election Commissioner ATM Shamsul Huda had expressed his eagerness to introduce electronic voting system in the 1/11 era. But the experts from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and most of the political parties had opposed that move.
The immediate outgoing CEC Kazi Rakibuddin Ahmad also tried to take the e-voting system. And as a test case he introduced EVM in few voting centers in Chittagong City Corporation election in 2010. But he also had to leave the system after strong protests from the BNP and other political parties.
He said, “Different countries had introduced the system but later they abandoned
 it after founding serious faults in the system. The countries include United States of America (USA), Germany, Switzerland and neighbouring India. They left the EVM because hackers can hack the system from remote areas.
“Many voters of our country are yet illiterate. They can not understand the highly technical system of EVM. On the other hand, the government can control the server of that e-voting system. So it will be easy for the government to manipulate the system to divert the voting result towards their side,” Rizvi said.
The BNP leader also alleged that the government has formed election commission by making their own man as CEC to turn the result of up coming polls to their favour.
“In this situation no body believe that the government will explore the people’s desire in the voting field,” he said.
He said, the government wants to cling to power forever but warmed that the people would prevent any conspiracy against their voting right. BNP central leaders Abdus Salam, Khairul Kabir Khokon, Habibul Islam, Abdul Awal Khan, Asadul Karim Shahin and Taiful Islam Tipu, among others, were present.