PM urges India, Pakistan to exercise restraint


In the wake of growing tensions between two South Asian nuclear powers, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina here on Thursday urged both India and Pakistan to exercise restraint so that there is no further escalation of tension allowing peace to prevail in the region. “I urge both India and Pakistan to exercise restraint so that there’s no further escalation of tension …we want the people of South Asia not to suffer,” she said.The Prime Minister came up with her clarion call while delivering her 32-minute winding up speech of the 12th session of the 10th parliament this evening held with Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury in the chair.
The Leader of the House said her government always wants peace to prevail in the South Asian region. “We never want to see any conflict and tension created in this region…if any such conflict is created, then Bangladesh will also be affected,” she added. Tension between the two countries grows as troops have been massing on both sides of the India-Pakistan shared border for days.
