PM slams BNP for calling anti-graft drive mere eyewash

UNB, Dhaka :
Taking a swipe at BNP leaders for terming eyewash the ongoing anti-corruption drive, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday said time will say whether it is eyewash or anything else.
“They keep calling it as eyewash; wait and watch… you’ll see whether it’s eyewash or anything else,” she said posing a question as to why she would go for eyewash.
The Prime Minister made the remarks replying to a question at a press conference arranged at her official residence Ganobhaban on her Azerbaijan tour for attending the 18th summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).
Sheikh Hasina said BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia and her son who are among the key corrupt have already got their punishment.
“The two (Khaleda and her son Tarique) among the real key corrupt have already got their punishment,” said the Prime Minister adding that BNP also has more small leaders who are mostly corrupt, involved in arson violence, killing people and many other crimes.
“All will have to face punishment in phases… you’ll have to wait for that. They must get it (punishment). There’s no doubt about it,” she said.
Hasina said, she does not extend any favour to her party people in the ongoing anti-corruption drive rather those who are involved in the crime world are being caught.
She said, BNP knows it better what the ‘eyewash business’ is as the party had plunged the country into graft making it as its principle.
Replying to another question, the Prime Minister termed BNP a den of corruption and questioned how they can talk too much. “How dare they?”