PM pays homage to victims today

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is set to pay homage to the victims of Gulshan terror attack at Banani Army Stadium in the capital on Monday.
“Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will pay tributes to the victims of Gulshan attack by placing wreaths on their coffins at the Army Stadium at 10 am,” PM’s Press Secretary Ihsanul Karim told UNB on Sunday.
He said the bodies of the victims killed in the barbaric attack by armed
terrorists on a Spanish restaurant in Gulshan on Friday night would be kept at the Army Stadium from 10 am to 12 noon to enable people of all strata to pay homage to them.
Twenty hostages-nine Italians, seven Japanese, one Indian, one Bangladeshi American and two Bangladeshis-were killed in the terror attack at Holey Artisan Bakery in Gulshan on Friday night. Besides, two senior police officers-Banani Police Station officer-in-charge Salauddin Ahmed Khan and Detective Branch assistant commissioner Robiul Islam-were killed as they tried to rescue the hostages.
OC Salauddin was laid to rest at Banani Graveyard in Dhaka, while AC Robiul at her village home in Manikganj.