PM firm to find out root of terror attack


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday expressed her firm resolve to find out the root of Friday’s terror attack.
“This is very much unfortunate…we’ll find out root of this attack, we’ll figure out who gave arms and explosives to them,” she said. The Prime Minister said this while Japanese State Minister for Foreign Affairs Seiji Kihara met her at her official residence Ganobhaban. She said the targets of terrorists were priests and people like them until recently. “We’ve arrested many of the culprits. Such attack (Friday’s attack) were carried out in France, Belgium, India and Japan. Now it happened in Bangladesh,” she said. PM’s Press Secretary Ihsanul Karim briefed reporters after the meeting.
The Prime Minister and Japanese State Minister agreed to fight out terrorism together.
About the bodies of the Japanese people killed in the terror attack, the Prime Minister said the bodies will be handed over to Japanese authorities after post-mortems.
Seiji Kihara thanked the Prime Minister for efficiently handling the situation. He said the economic cooperation between Japan and Bangladesh would continue.
Principal Secretary M Abul Kalam Azad and Japanese Ambassador to Dhaka Masato Watanabe were present during the meeting Denmark for strongest response to stay united UNB, Dhaka Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs Kristian Jensen has condemned the terror attack in Bangladesh.
“I strongly condemn the terror attack on innocent civilians that took place at a restaurant in Dhaka Friday night, where terrorists killed 20 people,” Jensen said in a statement on Sunday.
The minister said such meaningless violence is completely unacceptable and must be fought. “Our strongest response is to stay united and not let our democracy, liberty and way of life fall into fear and despair.” “I express my deepest compassion for the victims and their bereaved [family members]. They are in my thoughts,” said the Danish minster. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy in Dhaka are in close contact with the Bangladeshi authorities and they are monitoring the situation closely.
“It is reported from official site that there are no Danes among the killed and wounded.”
