PM failed to send clear message to punish Latif: BNP


UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Friday claimed that the country’s people not only got frustrated but also aggrieved with the Prime Minister’s press conference as she did not give any clear message about action against her minister Abdul Latif Siddique for his disparaging remarks about Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) and hajj.
“The nation was eagerly waiting to hear what action the Prime Minister would take against Latif Siddique. But the people of Bangladesh not only got upset but also aggrieved as the Prime Minister didn’t give any clear hint about punishment against Latif,” said BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir.
Addressing a press conference, he further said, “Sheikh Hasina said action against Latif Siddique will be taken as per the rules of business. We think the Prime Minister has avoided the issue subtly withy such remarks.”
The press conference was arranged at the BNP chairperson’s Gulshan office in the evening to give the party’s reaction to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s press meet on her US tour.
Earlier, addressing a press conference at her official residence Ganobhaban, Sheikh Hasina reaffirmed that a process is underway
to remove embattled posts and telecommunications Minister Abdul Latif Siddique from the cabinet as well as her party.
She also said it is not the government but Latif Siddique is in danger for his unacceptable remarks.
On September 28, Latif Siddique at a reception in New York arranged by expatriates from Tangail said he is deadly against hajj and Tablig Jamaat.
According to video clips available on different websites ran by private TVs, he said, “During hajj, so much manpower is wasted. More than 20 lakh people have gone to Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj. They have no work, no production and are causing only deduction. They only eat and go abroad spending the country’s money.”
Fakhrul said though the Prime Minister claimed what Latif Siddique’s said about the greatest Prophet, hajj and Tablig Jamaat were his personal remarks, the government cannot avoid its responsibility for the anti-Islamic comments. “Latif Siddique is still a minister. As per the democratic system, the government is collectively responsible for the activities of its ministers.”
He deplored that when one person was sentenced to seven years’ jail for making indecent remarks against the Prime Minister, no action has been taken yet against the minister for his offensive remarks against the greatest Prophet and hajj.
He demanded the government immediately arrest Latif and mete out punishment under the country’s existing laws.
Asked how the government will arrest the minister as he is now abroad, the BNP spokesman said Latif can be brought home through the Interpol.
Fakhrul criticised some ruling party top leaders who are trying to defend Latif and threatening people of action if they carry out agitation demanding the punishment of the defiant minister.
