PM asks BLRI scientists to strengthen research works further


Highly appreciating the scientists of Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute (BLRI) for their innovations, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday asked them to strengthen their research works further.
“You need to innovative ways for more multifaceted use of the animal resources to meet the demand of both the local and international markets,” she said.
The Prime Minister was addressing a ceremony at her office arranged on the occasion of handing over textile goods including blanket, shawl, wrap, prayer-mat and door-mat prepared by mixing domestic sheep wool, jute and yarn. Sheikh Hasina also urged the authorities concerned to find more new markets alongside strengthening the processing activities of the products like black goat leather and meat.
The textile goods were prepared under a joint venture initiative of Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute (BLRI) and Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI).
Mentioning that Bangladesh has a very vibrant leather industry, Sheikh Hasina put emphasis on making quality leather goods as per the international market demand alongside meeting the local requirement.
She said her government will actively consider giving bank loan to goat and sheep growers at 5 percent rate in line with the same provision now applicable for cattle growers.
“Five percent credit facility is being given to cattle growers. It should also be applicable for the promotion of other branches of animal husbandry,” she said.
