Plotters active but situation under control: Asad

UNB, Dhaka :
Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal said on Saturday that conspiracies at home and abroad were still going on to turn the country into a failed state.
He said despite previous successes by members of law enforcement and intelligence agencies in foiling such attempts against the state, some quarters were still out to destablise the country.
But he said the situation was under control as law-enforcement agencies have been able to successfully deal with militant activities.
The minister blamed such conspirators for recent attacks on foreigners and minority groups.
“I can clearly say that conspirators at home and abroad were behind the emergence of militants to make the country a failed state,” Kamal said as he opened a function as special guest at Moghbazar BTCL School.
Former students of the school organised the function to mark its 50 years and a reunion.
The minister said recent incidents like Killings inside mosques and attacks on Christian priests and other minority groups including Shias and Ahmadiyas were just part of attempts to make the country ineffective.
He said, militant activities are now under control due to active roles of law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
Terming the country a secular one, the minister said people of the country do not like militancy as they side with peace.
Former students of the school-Nurunnabi Chowdhury Shawon MP, Dhaka South City Corporation Councilor Taimur Reza were also present. Ex-student and Joint Secretary of Home Ministry Abul Kalam Azad chaired the opening session.