Physically-challenged girl gets GPA-5

Didarul Alam Raju, Khagrachhari :
Physically- challenged Deepa Nandi, a struggling student of Panchhari Girls’ High School of Panchhari upazila in the district, who braved disability and poverty to achieve GPA-5 from Business Studies group in this year’s Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examinations under Chattogram Education Board. Fortunately, this girl got only GPA 5 in Panchhari Upazila after three years.
From childhood she grew up with her maternal uncle and his wife. Deepa said, “I grew up loving care of my maternal uncle and his wife. They didn’t let me feel poverty in their poor family. I want to show that, despite being disabled the life that can be won in the war.”
She wants to be a banker, so that she can prove that physically challenged persons are not burdens to our society, Deepa added.
Deepa’s school teachers said, “She is a very quiet nature and very attentive to her studies. She has been given all the facilities from our school.”
Disability Welfare Association’s president of Panchhari upazilla Md. Hasanuzzaman said, “She is our pride. The success that can be achieved even when disabled, The best example of Deepa.”
Khagrachari District Disability Officer Md. Sahajan said, “I was very happy to hear the news. As soon as possible I will go to the house of the girl, and talk to her family.”